Friday, October 2, 2015

God help us in the U.S...

There was another shooting yesterday in Oregon at Umpqua Community College. Another hate crime toward Christians. He asked each victim if they were Christian or not. If they said, "yes", he shot them in the head....if they said, "no", he shot them in the leg. He killed nine people and law enforcement killed him. Dear Lord, the end times are here, everything you said would happen is now happening.

What an adventure I had this week. I had to go to a training in Charleston yesterday, 10/1/15. Parent training was scheduled for Oceana Middle on Wednesday night, I got out of there around 7:00 pm. Drove in the pouring rain, in the dark, to Southridge Hampton Inn. Jr. got upset with me because Mom knew I was there before he did. When I got in the room around 9:20 after checking in and opened my suitcase, SeaBreeze had spilled all over everything and I had to wear my same clothes from that day to the training the next day. If that is not enough, I did not notice there was a make up remover packet on the sink and I forgot to take vaseline with me which is what I normally use to take off my eye make up. What possessed me to do this, I don't know. However, I wet a tissue, put soap on it and started rubbing my eye with it. Of course soap got all in my eye really bad, burned like no bodies business --- hurt so bad. I rinsed, rinsed, and rinsed some more. I seriously thought it was certainly going to be swollen when I woke up. Thank goodness it wasn't. Oh yes, one more thing, Jr called my cell several times and I didn't even know it because the phone wasn't ringing. Of course he thought I wasn't answering for some weird reason on purpose, so here we go again with him. I checked every setting I could think to check and he refused to try one more time so I could see if it would ring. So I asked Kristin to call me and it rang just fine. The night before at church I turned every sound I could find off because Jayna was playing with my phone, I think I had done something to make the phone not ring. But I must have fixed it because Kristin's call came through. Shew!! 

The next morning I left the hotel at 7:30, in my day old clothes, to the training downtown Charleston at the WV Center for Professional Development.
1-could not find the parking garage and drove around an hour until I found it 8:30
2-finally got parked and walked for another hour to find the building 9:30 (which was 3 minutes from the parking garage by the way)
3-got on the elevator that has two doors that I did not notice, pressed 2, the elevator stopped and I kept pressing 2, open door, and was just getting ready to press the stuck bell when this little young lady finally got my attention behind me that the door was open on that side
4-I was late, but it was an informative training
5-leave the training at 4:00, walked with other ladies to the parking garage in about 3 minutes (thank God)
6-my friends went to their car and I could not find my car. I walked until about 4:30 around in the parking garage trying to find my car.
7-had 911 typed into my phone when a lady drove by that had been in my training, Kim. Kim stopped and I told her I couldn't find my car and did she think it was alright to call 911 for being lost.
8-Kim told me to get in and we would drive around until we found my car, which we did in an area I could have sworn I had passed a zillion times already
9-finally get home and Jr. is now upset yet again because I sent messages as to where I was through the day instead of calling him. Never have been able to please that man, no matter what, in any situation.
10-he finally decided not to be mad anymore, thank you Lord!

Anyway, I walked two miles this morning and have taken a shower. I now need to dry my hair and go to Baileysville. It looks as if there is going to be rain all weekend, but what a great time to watch Monumental and Second Hand Lion on Netflix. Plus, I will have leisure time to do that, read, study and work out. Alright, sounds like a great plan and I am so ready! God is amazingly great!!!

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