Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's Been a Long Time

Looks like I'm going to try this yet once again. I will do my best to stick with blogging this time, at least periodically. Changes have been running rampant in my life since the last time I posted on a personal blog. My baby girl, Kristin, has almost been married now for two years. New Year's Eve will make exactly two years since I gained a son-in-law. So far that has been going amazingly well. I love my son-in-law, Aaron. But more importantly, my daughter seems to be so very stable and happy. God has blessed us all immeasurably. 

Another huge change is the way my grandson has grown in the past two years, no pun intended. Hayden is a good sixty pounds at three years old. He is a happy, lovable, active, funny and cute as a button boy. See........ 


  1. Thanks for the comments! Blogging seems to be one way we are keeping up with each others You can blog I have faith in you. Look at that lil man...I could just squeeze him.

  2. hey! I've neglected my blog too because people quit leaving comments and I felt I put to much work into mine to have it just sit there.
    I love your updated blog.Please come back! I am newly inpired and I think Kristin has part to do with that!

  3. hey again, come on , let's get blogging!

  4. you should blog! You are such a gifted writer. I see where Kristin gets it from!

    1. Aww...thanks for saying that. I take that as one of the greatest compliments I have ever received.
